I don't know if you can say that the beads I make are original, since many people out there can make beaded beads. I can say through years of trial and error, discipline, and perseverance, I have managed to create a practically perfect beaded sphere (or oval, square, barrel, disc) that is, in my opinion, my best vehicle for story-telling; for me the beads are all about the color, bringing them together in an original combination of shades. I imagine in color and associate memories with color, smells with color, ideas with color, feelings with color... you get the idea. In order to get this out of my system I work directly with color everyday, creating my jewelry designs. The beaded rounds I make are a means to an end and the metal work I do is the final touch to a color story about: unrequited love, Frida Kahlo, or the French Rivera. Each of my bead colors are chosen deliberatly as a symbol of something I know to be certain in my life or the world.
The unique and personal memories of me are what I try to convey in the work I make. Each color symbolizes a reaction, a longing, or a comfort. We all have these and convey them in different ways... mine just happens to be with color.
My newest and most popular color story right now titled Oaxaca is featured in my Etsy store: dijon, bronze age, chartreuse, mint, tahiti, tide pool, and charcoal. What story do you know that can be told with color?
- Pink